Pit Software este o companie dezvoltatoare de soft de gestiune pentru restaurante, soft de marcaj, soft de gestiune hoteliera, soft de ticketing pentru stadioane si cinematografe. Pe langa acestea dezvoltam si aplicatii customizate la cererea clientilor

Detectie Efractie

Centrala efractie

  • Flash memory microprocessor230881674
  • Expanded event log
  • Early open/late close reporting
  • Expandable to 48 fully programmable hardwire and/or wireless zones
  • Maximum of 24 keypads with up to 8 per partition
  • 8 true partitions with separate account codes, entry/exit delays, and feature selections for each partition
  • Wireless technology with up to 48 supervised zones
  • Supports up to 99 users
  • Hardwire expansion up to 48 zones
  • Supports SIA and contact ID communication formats
  • 512-event history log that provides date, time, event and user number

Detector PIR

  • 4 detection channels: 2 Microwave and 2 PIR230948876
  • Coverage: Wide angle: 15m (50’) 90°
  • Long-range: 23m (75’) 5°
  • Barrier: 15m (50’) 5°
  • Microwave anti-collision allows back-to-back installation

Tastatura LCD231067196

Bariera InfreRED231140815

Sirena Exterior231304737

Bariera Auto231416106



S.C. Pit Software SRL
Email: office1@pitsoft.ro
Florin Lita - General Manager
Telefon: 0732 770 800
Email: antonio.lita@pitsoft.ro
Ovidiu Rosu - Managing Partner
Telefon: 0732 770 808
Email: ovidiu.rosu@pitsoft.ro

Social Media